Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Upbringing, Family. Internship.

Was reading this article.

Schools should check employers' backgrounds before recommending them to students for internship
I AM becoming increasingly concerned at the disregard a certain employer has for interns who look up to his/her company as a learning platform for them to explore and gain experience. And, sadly, this still happens in an educated society such as ours.

First, the employer refuses to pay the interns even for their meals or transportation to and from work. They are not even allowed to claim if they had taken a cab for work purposes.

Secondly, they are required to do a full-time employee's job because the employer does not have full-time employees working for the company. So interns are used instead to cut costs and avoid the need to pay CPF.

These students, in the name of loyalty, stick around because they are made to sign a contract on the first day of work. They are required to purchase required items for the office using their own pocket money and claim later and all of them are required to use their own laptops at work full-day.

The interns try their best to get the jobs done, not realising that they are over-worked. Some leave just soon after they start because they think that the workload is too much to bear although it means they have lost weeks and go home without a testimonial when they go back to school.

I think schools should explore the employers' backgrounds before recommending them to students.

I would like to believe that an internship is a great eye-opener for students to experience the real working world. But I also think that it certainly is a great eye-opener to find out who is out there giving students the required experience and who is there to exploit the students.

Shanthini Kanagasingam (Ms)


I do believe that students go for internship for the sake of internship nowdays. Although i see that employers may try to exploit students for "cheap labour". But hey, this is an experience too. The students can actually learn "how to look for a decent to good employers". HAHA
Always look on the bright side of this.

In this article, she mentioned that students paid with their own pocket money before they claim. Well, i must say this is a better move than getting money from the company and returning the excess later. Because the latter method will give more complications to the work process and increase the "chance of cheating".

Using own laptop to work --> i thought that this is ok. Using own laptop can let us type faster and we are more used to the set up. If one doesnt use his/her own laptop for work, do we just use it to blog & msn? :D

As for providing money for transportation and meals, it's in the "ALLOWANCE"! But i do agree that it's not enough to provide sometimes. If that's the case, calculation should be made in advance. If the location is not ideal, suggest to the school to change location (change to another company) or increase allowance. I just find that the writer should speak up before this than writing this article.


Now to my internship.
although i may be doing labour work sometimes, but there are times which i learn very important things. Yong Jun may not be able to catch it, but i think i got it.
eg: peasants arguing with the customers. (i definitely learn a lot from this incident)
Will not blogged about it. I'm selfish, not willing to share. :D
There are many more. :x

Just the vast cultural difference between Singapore & PRC has a lot of learning points already. hah


I was sharing with the group that i hate to do clearing up job. (Clearing up the mess after customers had their meals.)
He said that i'm weak. OKAY FINE. HE'S STRONG HUH?

I shared that i have done almost all types of part time jobs.
From admin office boy to salesman to waiter to my current PT.
All jobs have their learning points. At least i don't want to be a waiter because i hate dirty things, as in the clearning up.
I love PT because i love to talk to people. & of course, make a positive change to their lives while i earn income at the same time. :D

I just don't understand him sometimes. He said this last night which the group doesn't understand WTF he's saying.
"You all last time said all nonono, now all yes yes yes."
3 of us just go "HUH?"


He meant that the group agree to slack for the whole oiap, but why 3 of us (except him) go the help out at the restaurant at 8am?
Well, i said that it's the busy period now, i go because i have to. Denise and i are sort of the "quick reaction force" which i will go to any department.
P went too because she's not sure what's going on, she just followed D. hahah
But YJ said he's not going. I'm fine with this.
Since he doesnt have to.


Whenever he has no more point to carry on the debate with me, he will change to another topic to debate with me.
Last topic will always be that i am like his brother. Always bully him, mentally and physically.

I sympathize you that you don't have a happy family. I would say none of us have. Each family has their own problems.

Look YJ, learn from this. If you find an unhappy family give you a bad growth psychologically, treat it as a learning point too. Strive to work hard and give your new family a good life. Let your kid(s) grow up a happy and complete child(ren)

I told him that my brother used to abused me too. I followed his command. (to stop his beating first) (YJ said he tried this, but he cannot take it because he is like a robot/maid)
I learn many things and impress my brother. He started to stop ordering me around. And i started to work together with my brother. He will do things for me too. This is all part of growing up with siblings. Many siblings grow up fighting or loving. They will mature (someday)>Which happen that my family has mature, we don't fight anymore.

If one doesnt change/learn constantly, you will be eliminated definitely.

just one more thing to show why he's fucking lazy.
I'm always the one clearing the dustbin when it's full. He's the one who will put a plastic bag and throw his first rubbish.

Once i told him to clear the rubbish, he tied the plastic bag. (non tight) and leave it beside the bin.


i think he should set up a blog and whine about me. Let me know what you are thinking... Room mate!


Shan said...

Thanks for the comments on my article. Totally appreciate it. Well you have your point in saying we should look at the bright side of things. I agree.

Unfortunately, I guess if you were in the shoes of a number of interns who went through this ordeal recently then trust me, you'll probably agree not to disagree.

The article was written after every effort of trying to recover what was promised but not fulfilled. In fact, it is particularly sad that these bunch of students had to experience such much betrayal in the name of experience.

But yes, I would not generalise that all employers are such but, a couple certainly are. And that is why we ought to be careful as to who we select!

Kevin said...

I am a student doing an oversea attachment currently. I have done attachments in Singapore too. I can understand, but anything negative can be a learning point too.

I do agree that there are companies trying to exploit "cheap labour" with "internship".