Friday, October 05, 2007

Last day of the golden week

YJ was very pissed this morning. Not sure if this is the incident which causes it.

We were saying about how to tell the resort manager (L) that we are going to another department for attachment today. His style? "The GM said we are going there today"
I say this is a bad method.
You see....
Every requests we said to any staff of the resort, we will keep using a name of higher authority and say he/she say say say this, or say say say that, so you must accept our requests.
It's just a bad way.
My style "Hi L, if xxx department is not so busy today, can we be attached to yyy department instead?"

YJ's reply to me? "Don't think you are always right lah"
My reply? "well, i am right this time round"

The ATV which i played in the morning
out of 4 of us, i'm the only one playing. They don't wanna play. (even if they want to, i wonder why)
They only played ATV only when L is here, and asked them to try it out.
Have i mentioned that YJ rode into a pile of shit and got struck?
I'm not laughing, but he should learn something from here?

My cute egg cooker.
Now i have some hard boiled eggs as snack.

COSPLAY @ China.

His mess.
Mine is a mess too, but slightly better. (At least i don't out junk on my bed)

He's such a dirty room mate. Now i won't do any maintenance to the room for him anymore. I will just clean my own area. Selfish bastard. Taking my work for granted.

Can someone just teach him basic hygiene? (is my spelling wrong AGAIN?)

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