Saturday, August 15, 2009

effect of ageing

everyone is undergoing ageing 24/7, no exception except in some situations.

ie from no grooming, fat, etc etc to well groomed, lose weight (fat), improve in personality etc. Transformation can make one look younger.

Unfortunately, i had 1 big transformation a few years ago already. & fortunately i have got into a long relationship with Sha. HAHA

some positive effect of ageing.
more $ in bank
private transport
credit card
can afford almost anything that you want
life becomes more comfortable

all these are very materialistic but life will get uncomfortable when one hits a certain point of decline.

this will be the end of my another bo liao entry.

no negative effect coz i'm a positive person! (ok la, some winklers la. ok la, a lot of winkles but i really find them cool at my age.)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


i have just called to cancel my debit card when i received the annual fees.

i feel it's darn stupid to pay an annual fee for a debit card. maybe it's capitaland la, the rebate are all getting too low, 0.3% for sakae sushi is way to little.

anyway, it's definitely not safe to own a credit card if i have self-discipline to control my own finance. the saving account tagged to the card can get wiped out in a day if someone get access to the card.

time to have... credit card. =)

this is.... another sign of ageing.

26 aint that young, but i'm definitely not old!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Soccer soccer soccer!!!

Score 1 super long range from right wing last week for Ishkawa. We are 2-0 down and I pulled 1 back. Unfortunately, we lost 4-1.

Score from a corner kick again today for Team FJC with my left foot. We still lose 2-0 down though.

If anyone knows a ref named Tony, please avoid him. With 1 leg off the ground during throw in, with no offside etc, he can give you the classic reason "I old liao, cannot see properly" etc.

NB, if old, don't mess up people's game.

Anyway, that's my 5 CK direct goal. :)