Friday, June 20, 2008

Rant post

It has been a long time since i ^#$@%@%@$. Here it goes...

1) If you are waiting by the roadside, common sense will tell you to stand on the pavement (on the grass patch if you want to). You will NEVER stand on the road. It makes thing harder when it's hard to differentiate who is slimmer when compared to Mosses Lim!

2) Gaining Fat/Losing muscle.

Simple. Our body hates muscle and loves fat. Our body will always try to put on as much fat as possible while having the least muscle to support your lifestyle. Yes, this is why we will go to the gym to stress our body with heavy load so that we will put on muscle to support the lifestyle.

We won't gain muscle or lose fat overnight. I use a window of 2 weeks.

If you workout hard consistently and eat well for 2 weeks, you will be able to see progress. Hence, if you eat badly and don't workout for 2 weeks, then it's possible for you to see some fat gain. You will NEVER lose muscle or gain fat over a period of a day or 2, or just 1 cheat meal.

If you are having a holiday, it's a holiday FFS. Enjoy it. Don't think so much about workout or diet. If you know you have been working out hard for the past few weeks/months. Take a break.

3) Diet

These food can make you fat!
-refined/processed food (esp carbs)

1 apple is good. 1 glass of apple juice is bad.
Flour is bad.
Chicken with skin are good/ok.
Fried chicken is bad COZ it's chicken + flour.
Prata are bad coz it's flour.
*see something in common now? It's always refined/processed carbs.

Before you wanna eat something and SMS me "hey will eating xxx make me fat/lean", apply this logic and think. It's ok to ask once or twice in a month or so. But asking every other day is %@$#!$!#. I have many clients. Imagine all clients asking me once a day if eating xxx is ok or not. I am going to die from SMS flooding.

Apply this logic with point (2), if you were to eat junk for a meal. Will this make you fat? No.
If you were to eat junk at least once a day for 2 weeks, will this make you fat? Yes!
If you were to workout hard and eat well for a day, will you slim down? No!

4) Drinking

Drinking alcohol is bad, real bad. It's not about calories already. It's about hormonal effect. Go do some research on your own. If you were to drink once a week, heh, i will say it's pretty bad. Drink till you puked a few times that night is worse.

err, this point is not really a rant, but it's for knowledge sharing. Drinking once a week (till you puke) is not going to help you to achieve that 6 pack.

5) If i were to reject your call, it may mean i'm working or having my private time. Don't bother to call again. This happen that night...

Ring ring. (I press reject)
Ring ring. Hello. Oh you are in a movie ah. okok. (At this point, i thought he's going to hang up. Instead....)
I ask you ah, which brown rice should i buy?

ahah, once again i need to stress. My gf has suffered a lot recently. I have been working 7 days a week and it's hard for me to find time to enjoy with her. Let's us enjoy our sweet moments please.

This blog entry is just for me to rant. Don't take it too hard coz i told you guys about this in training this week. I just gotta stop bottling up.

Thank you for being understanding.

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