Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Stability or flexibility?

People are confused which joints must be stable and which must be stable. Through assessment, we are able to note key areas that require mobilization and/or stabilization.

One example is the thoracic spine. Without a proper mobility in the thoracic spine, the lumbar spine will be forced to compensate (by creating movement, note that lumbar spine requires stability). This result in a number of potential problems.

These are the major joints that require good stability or flexibilty for a painless body.

*From top to bottom

GH Joint - Stability

Scapular - Mobility/Stability

Thoracic Spine - Mobility

Lumbar Spine - Stability

SI Joint - Mobility/Stability

Hip - Mobility

Knee - Stability

Patella - Mobility

Ankle - Mobility

1st MTP Joint - Mobility

Through assessment process, key areas may be noted and proper rehab/prehab exercises will be able to solve these problems.

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