Saturday, July 04, 2009


people progress, priority changes, we are always on the move.

friends started to settle down
setting up their own family
have their own houses and cars
progress in career

ah, so many things.

i'm actually bottling up a lot of things in me, but i'm glad i let out a lot of fustration inside me.

take everything easy man.

have a tummy? do something about it if you hate it.
no $ or anything materialistic here? work for it!
most important thing in life: be self contented with what you have, aim a little higher slowly each time. at this rate i'm going, i will earn my first million in like 400+ months? heh

no problem if i'm not a millionaire in cash and asset, but i'm a multi-millionaire in life, experience and happiness.

mel got his first car!
hui got his 3rd or 4th bike liao.
worm taking bike TP this month!
PA finding another job.

been a long 10 years or more since we know 1 another. these are the friends who will go on forever. we ask nothing from each other, except the companionship and friendship.

glad to have you all buddies.

glad to have sha, we will be signing the lease for our first flat next week liao. excited? all the life away from parents & leonard, all by ourselves soon.

glad to have my current career going on. everything will progress together, the business and i.

and no, i have been pushing clients to my friends, but i still love to be called a skinny PT, skinny fat is ok too.

wish all of you are happy ok? if flaming me makes you happy, i don't mind it.

skinny fat pt.

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