Thursday, August 21, 2008

Home workout

1 of my friend has been asking me for home workout. Will do a quick write up first.

I will first name a few exercises which you can do at home with bodyweight (BW) or very light weight.

Pull up & variations such as power pull
push up & variations such as clapping push up
squat & variations such as jump squat
lunges & variations
single leg deadlift
overhead pressing

Just find a few exercises and combine them into a circuit fashion (with or without any rest in between) and you will have your home workout.

The interesting thing is, for most people who are unfit and want to lose weight, they are unable to perform most (if not all) the exercises named above.

It's always not fun to workout if you have limitations. (limited flexibility, mobility, stability and strength)

So what's the first step? Getting there. You do not need perfect flexibility, mobility etc. You just need to reach a decent level.

So start off with all these warm up stuff.
Mobility exercises
Some core exercises

When you are better, learn hip movement and start deadlifting away.

The real fun workout start when you can
Deadlift/squat 1.5x BW
Bench BW
pull up x 10

That's when workout will get real tough and challening.

Here's 1 example of a very short and effective for a metabolic workout.

Leg matrix
24 squat
24 lunges
24 jump squat
24 jump lunges

My timing is ~2:30 if i'm not wrong.
Best timing i "heard" is 2 x leg matrix in under 3 minutes.

If you cannot squat/lunge, it's usually weak conditioning and poor mobility in ankle etc.
If you cannot jump, gotta start with some reactive training to learn how to land.

Once you are good with strength/endurance and landing, you are good to go.

ps: this is my blog, not the website. so nvm the grammer error la.

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