Monday, June 16, 2008


it has been a long time since i can wake up late, 10am to be exact. I feel so refreshed!

Had a new pair of client today. A couple. heh
And it's the first time i see a guy with perfect posture!! He said he has knee pain and i can probably deduce it's due to inhibited glut muscle. His ankle are ok leh.

Well, he has no flat back etc etc, no scapular winging, everything is just so OK!

3 problems with him
1) pretty inhibited glut - knee pain
2) fail SBJ - no hip movement
3) slight over development at left upper trap - carry sling bag.

well, he's going to be the one who will progress the FASTEST if he work hard.

Just received a call from a trainer cum bodybuilder. he offered me to work for him at a certain country club. if i had just returned from china, i would certainly take up the offer.

hmmm, just wondering how he get lobang to manage a gym one... heh

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